For appraisals of residntial properties in Davie contact Win-Tech Forms at 9549898823

Why choose a company like Win-Tech Forms that embraces mobile technology?

Need a fast appraisal in or around Broward County that is reliable? We work hard to provide fast and efficient services for our clients, and as part of that commitment we've embraced mobile technology. By using mobile devices out in the field, we've eliminated the cumbersome paper and clipboard, meaning faster and more reliable appraisals for you.

Traditional appraising involves going to the location and collecting large amounts of data including an accurate sketch using paper, pen, tape measure, and clipboard. From there, you still have to manually input that data into the computer at your office, which can lead to errors. Many appraisers still use this error-prone, time-consuming method today.

Being a mobile appraiser means we no longer have to worry about a clunky clipboard with tons of paper. Through an easy-to-use device, the data is uploaded straight to the office without ever having to enter in that information again, meaning a faster turnaround time for you.

Ready to hire a tech-savvy appraiser today? Contact Win-Tech Forms at 9549898823 now.

Cloud technology helps to make our appraisals more accurate too. We have constant access to our information through our devices, and mobile appraising apps make sure we don't miss a step. And, with the use of a laser measurer, we've replaced our tape measure for more dependable sketches.

As an added benefit, we're always ready to answer questions when you call or e-mail us. Mobile appraising makes us much more efficient, giving us with the files and data we need at all times so we can concentrate on appraising.